Fordi vi begynner å bli gamle og kortidsminnet skranter, skriver vi nå blogg for å huske alle våre opplevelser til lands og til vanns ;)
onsdag 30. juni 2010
30.06.2010 Mor og datter tar i et tak ;)
Helene og Bodil vasker, rydder og går til innkjøp av diverse nødvendig utstyr som bestikk og glass :)
tirsdag 29. juni 2010
lørdag 26. juni 2010
26.06.2010 Lasses bursdag
Bursdagsfeiring med kake med lys og gave på senga :) Så dusjbygging og Guitar Hero :) Motoren vil ikke starte :(
Tjihi - kjempegøy med kajakk :) |
Birthdaycelebration with cake with lights and present on the bedside. Then we worked on the shower and played Guitar Hero. The engine wouldn't start :(
onsdag 23. juni 2010
23.06.2010 St. Hans
Vi feirer St. Hans ved kai :( Det var litt så som så men vi fikk oss en god latter da vi så denne mannen som hadde gått inn til feil brygge og tydeligvis var tom for drivstoff (eller var det kona som mente det var til pass for ham å padle når han ikke kunne finne riktig brygge)
We celebrate St. Hans at port :( That was not what we wanted but we got a good laugh when we saw this man who had gone in by the wrong jetty and obviously was out of fuel (or maybe it was his wife thinking it was the right punishment for not finding the right jetty)
We celebrate St. Hans at port :( That was not what we wanted but we got a good laugh when we saw this man who had gone in by the wrong jetty and obviously was out of fuel (or maybe it was his wife thinking it was the right punishment for not finding the right jetty)
onsdag 16. juni 2010
Lasse har overtatt Alexandra
Alexandra innvies med reker og champagne på akterdekk :)
Alexandra is inaugurated with shrimps and champagne on the aft deck :)
Alexandra is inaugurated with shrimps and champagne on the aft deck :)
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